Value creation
Responsibility along the value chain
The responsible treatment of people, the environment and animal welfare is a cornerstone of BayWa's self-image. BayWa also assumes economic, ecological and social responsibility along its supply chains. After all, sustainable action is an essential building block for the company's continued successful development. To ensure responsible procurement, BayWa scrutinizes its supply chains and implements appropriate measures. In doing so, it always works on an equal footing with its business partners.
Human rights due diligence
As an international trading group with its own locations on all continents, BayWa is heavily involved in global supply chains. It purchases raw materials, goods and services from suppliers in over 65 countries. BayWa has established a Social Compliance Management System (SCMS) in order to meet its human rights due diligence obligations in those supply chains where there is an increased risk of human rights violations.
Overview of the five pillars
The SCMS is based on the five elements of human rights due diligence in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the requirements of the German government's National Action Plan on Human Rights. It is intended to ensure compliance with human and environmental rights by suppliers and in the company's own business operations.
- Risk analysis: Identification, assessment and prioritization of human rights and environmental risks
- Prevention: Measures to minimize and avoid risks in our own business area, the direct and indirect supply chain, e.g. suitable procurement strategies, training and supplier audits
- Complaints procedure: Access for third parties, suppliers and employees to an internal or external complaints procedure (whistleblower system)
- Remedial action: Taking appropriate remedial action following identification of a risk to prevent, stop or minimize non-compliance, e.g. training and engagement in industry initiatives
- Documentation and reporting: Annual reporting to the public on identified human rights and environmental risks, measures and evaluation of their effectiveness
Whistleblower system and code of conduct
Our BayWa whistleblower system offers all employees, business partners, suppliers and their employees as well as other third parties with a professional context a protected communication channel for inquiries or information on compliance issues.
Information for suppliers
Electronic data exchange is becoming increasingly important. Fast invoice transmission is becoming increasingly important, not only for large companies but also for many small firms.
This makes it all the more important for us to offer various solutions for our suppliers. On this homepage we present our solutions for fast and secure data exchange.