The BayWa Share

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BayWa AG ownership as per 31/12/2024

Shareholder Structure

BayWa AG ownership as per 31/12/2024

Voting rights notifications and other reporting obligations under securities trading law

According to the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG), shareholders are obliged to notify the issuer and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) immediately when reaching, exceeding or falling below the thresholds specified in § 33 WpHG of 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50% or 75% of the voting rights in a publicly listed company either through the acquisition or disposal of shares or other financial instruments or by any other means (§§ 33 ff WpHG). In addition, there is an obligation to notify the issuer when a voting right threshold of at least 10% is reached or exceeded (§ 43 WpHG). The issuer is obliged to publish the voting rights notifications and the notification pursuant to § 43 WpHG immediately.

We kindly request that any shareholders obliged to inform BayWa AG of the above-mentioned changes in shares of voting power send the relevant notification exclusively to the following address:

BayWa AG
Investor Relations
Arabellastraße 4
81925 Munich

Disclosure of Voting Rights

In accordance with the principle of ad hoc publicity, we inform you about the total number and distribution of voting rights in the Group.

Classes of Shares

  Restricted registered shares Registered shares
Securities code number 519406 519400
ISIN DE0005194062 DE0005194005
Share type Ordinary share Ordinary share
Number of shares


Share capital (portion) 89,314,488.30 € 3,182,722.56 €

September 2024

Additional Information on BayWa Shares and Capital Stock

Stock exchanges Frankfurt, Munich, Xetra
Market segment Prime Standard
Free float 37.9%
Capital stock 92,497,210.88 €
Capital stock in shares


Denomination Non-par stock with a calculated nominal amount of 2.56 € per share
Certification Global certificate which is deposited with Clearstream Banking AG. Shareholders participate according to their shares as co-owners (collective custody)

September 2024


Find here the development of dividends since the changeover to the euro in 1999.

Key Figures of the BayWa Share

  2013 2014 2015 2016  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Dividend 0.75 € 0.80 € 0.85 € 0.85 € 0.90 € 0.90€ 0.95€ 1.00€ 1.05€ 1.20€
Earnings per share 0.91 € 1.78 € 1.39 € 0.90 € 1.13 € 0.92€* 1.16€* 1.02€* 1.99€* 4.36€
Cash Earnings 7.31 € 4.45 € 6.05 € 4.51 € 4.81 € 6.79€ 6.06 € 11.36€ 13.77€ 19.40€
Divident yield 1.99% 2.61% 2.99% 2.76% 2.81% 4.37% 3.36% 3.03% 2.72% 2.78%

*Without hybrid dividend 

Grafik und Lineal auf kariertem Papier

Capital Measures

As of October 2023 the share capital amounts to 92,497,210.88 Euro. We have grouped all the corporate actions from 2002 through 2023 in a clear table.

Analyst Recommendation

The following institutions regularly analyze BayWa AG for internal and / or external purposes.

Institute Recommendation
Baader Bank Add (Oktober 2024)
Kepler Cheuvreux Suspended (Oktober 2024)
M. M. Warburg Suspended (September 2024)
Bankhaus Metzler Suspended (July 2024)
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Hold (June 2024)
DZ Bank AG Hold (Mai 2024)

October 2024

FAQ - Questions and Answers on the BayWa Share

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the BayWa share at a glance.