Member of the Board of Management
Andreas Helber has been Chief Financial Officer since November 2010. After completing a master’s degree in business, Helber began his career at KPMG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in Munich, Germany, where he would go on to be appointed tax advisor and auditor. Helber joined BayWa AG in 2000 to head up the finance corporate division and later took over responsibility for investor relations. BayWa also became the first major German company to link its borrowing with a measurable environmental footprint. As Chief Financial Officer, his responsibilities include Corporate Controlling, Corporate Finance & Accounting, Corporate Insurance, Corporate Real Estate Management, Corporate Risk, Corporate IT, Investor Relations, Business Services (Finance Services, HR Services, Corporate Purchasing and Services).
Curriculum Vitae
Date of birth: April 04, 1966
Place of birth: Bad Marienburg
Nationality: German
1999 Examination to become an auditor
1998 Examination to become a tax consultant
1993 University of Siegen (D), degree in business administration
1986-1988 Apprenticeship as hotel clerk at the Hotel Intercontinental Frankfurt am Main
since 2010 Member of the Board (CFO)
2000-2010 BayWa AG, Munich (D), Head of the Financial Department
1993-2000 KPMG German Trust Corporation, Munich (D), active in the field of auditing as an assistant, auditor, chief auf auditing and mandate manager; including extra-occupational qualifications to become a tax consultant and an auditor
External mandates
- Munich Stock Exchange (Member of the Stock Exchange Council)
- R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Wiesbaden, Germany (Member of the Supervisory Board)
- LGAD Landesverband Bayern Großhandel, Außenhandel, Dienstleistungen e. V., Munich, Germany (Vice President and Member of the Management Board)
Group mandates
- Cefetra Group B.V., Rotterdam, Netherlands (Member of the Supervisory Board)
- BayWa Global Produce GmbH, Munich, Germany (Member of the Supervisory Board)
- BayWa r.e. AG, Munich, Germany (Member of the Supervisory Board)
- RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria Aktiengesellschaft, Korneuburg, Austria (Third Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- T&G Global Limited, Auckland, New Zealand (Member of the Board of Directors)
234.6 KB / PDF CV Andreas Helber